The Erä website and the Eräluvat webshop will be merged and renewed at the end of November. As a result of the update, old customer accounts will no longer be available, and you will not be able to view order history and previously purchased permits. Paid permits continue to be valid, but it is best to take special care to save them for wilderness excursions in case of inspections. After the update, you need to create a new customer account.

The exact date of publication of the new service will be announced in October. The publication is preceded by a short maintenance break, during which the Erä service is completely closed.

Reserving permits and huts will not be possible until the new service has been published. This means that you have to pay for your orders immediately. Permits and huts with currently pending reservations must be paid by 18 November 2024, even if the invoice is due later. In case of problems, you can contact the Eräluvat customer service: +358 (0)20 69 2424 (weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.) or

After the update, permits and huts will be available for reservations like before.

Eräluvat app

The Eräluvat application will be updated at the same time. The current app will no longer be updated and will be removed from the app stores on 31 October 2024. Please note that your customer account will be deleted so the permits you have purchased through it will not appear in the new application.

The updated application allows you to view wilderness destinations and activities on the map. The app shows fishing destinations on state-owned land and water, hunting areas, hiking and snowmobile routes, huts and protected and hiking areas. You can also purchase permits on the application by clicking on the selected item. Your permissions will then be available on the app.

Hunting permits for small game

Grouse permits will be unavailable for a few weeks when the new service is published in November. In other words, if you need a grouse hunting permit for 2024, purchase it before the new service is published. The exact date will be announced in October.

Hunting permits for male black grouse and capercaillie in January 2025 as well as hunting permits for the willow grouse will become available for purchase in the new service on 16 December 2024 at 9 a.m.

The sale of hunting permits for waterfowl and hare, small predators and beavers will continue even during the update, with the exception of the general service break.

Guest permits for moose hunting

The sale of personal day permits for moose hungting, so called guest permits, will continue even during the update, with the exception of the general service break.

Fishing permits

Sales of angling and trap permits for 2024 will continue during the update as usual, with the exception of the general service break.

Angling and trap permits for 2025 will become available for purchase on 10 December 2024. Exceptions include rapids in Southern Finland and angling permits for rivers in Northern Lapland, which will be available on 7 January 2025.

The fisheries management fees for 2025 will become available for purchase after the new service has been published. The exact date will be announced in October.


Metsähallituksen varaus- ja vuokratuvat varataan Erä kuten aiemminkin. Jatkossa myös varaus- ja vuokratupien esittelyt löytyvät Erää, eli tuvat esitellään siellä mistä ne varataan. Luontokohteiden, reittien, taukopaikkarakenteiden ja niihin liittyvän ajankohtaistiedon koti on jatkossakin  

Vuodelle 2024 ajoittuvat tupavaraukset tulee tehdä ennen kuin uusi palvelu julkaistaan. Vuoden 2025 tupavaraukset puolestaan tehdään uudesta palvelusta. Uuden palvelun tarkka julkaisupäivä ilmoitetaan lokakuussa.  


Metsähallitus’ reservable and rental huts will be available for booking in the Erä service as before. In the future, the descriptions of reservable and rental huts are also available at Erä, i.e. the descriptions are listed in the same place where the huts can be booked. continues to be your source of information for nature sites, trails, rest stop structures and related news.

Bookings for huts in 2024 must be made before the new service is published. Any hut bookings for 2025 should be made on the new service. The exact date of publication of the new service will be announced in October.

Off-road traffic permits

Applications for off-road traffic permits will end on 4 November 2024 and continue in the new Erä service. The exact date of publication of the new service will be announced in October.

Applications for off-road traffic permits received before 4 November will be processed normally. The permit decision together with the payment receipt will be your proof of permit.

If you urgently need an off-road permit after 4 November before the new service is published, send the application with justifications and an attachment of the planned route to

Sales of off-road permits for the period 2024–2025 will begin in the new Erä service. The exact date will be announced in October.

The automatic granting of off-road traffic permits for local residents in the three northernmost municipalities will continue beyond the update as normal, with the exception of the general service break.


This news item will be updated as new information comes out. We will add instructions and exact dates as the new service release approaches. All account holders will also be informed of the update through the newsletters during the autumn.

Eräluvat customer service
+358 (0)20 69 2424 (weekdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)