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1250 Inarijärvi

Trap permit

Price list 1.1.2024–

DurationPermit user
Season12,00 €

Trap permit is specific to the fishing or boating party, and it is valid for a calendar year.

Permit sale

The number of trap permits is limited. Please check the availability of permits beforehand. One boating party may purchase a maximum of 4 trap tags (nets).

Permits are only sold through customer service. The permits are sold during two periods. Advance reservations are not accepted. 

Metsähallitus logo


P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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