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Off-road traffic permits

Off-road traffic permit for personnel or for event participants

The term off-track off-road traffic refers to the use of motored vehicles in areas outside of the roads and snowmobile routes and tracks. As a general rule, off-track off-road traffic is prohibited during the snow-covered period and all off-road traffic is prohibited during the snow-free season on all state-owned land.

There are exceptions in which you can apply for a separate off-road permit to Metsähallitus for a specific justified need. The most common reasons for applications for an off-road permit include tasks related to hunting and fishery management, research, or event organising.

Permits are generally not issued for nature reserves because the use of off-road vehicles conflicts with the conservation objectives of the reserves.

Safari entrepreneurs

Separate agreement must be made with Metsähallitus for providing safari activities on state-owned land. If you want to become a safari entrepreneur, you can find further information here (in Finnish).

Forest industry companies and similar actors within the forest sector

Accessing a neighbouring area of forest via an easement while carrying out logging and forest management operations requires an off-road permit. It is possible to apply for an extensive permit that applies to multiple-use forests managed by Metsähallitus. You cannot apply for a permit for areas extensively reserved for protection, nature reserves or wilderness areas. If you require access to such areas, apply for a site-specific permit.

Decision price

Means-tested permits always require processing and are considered on a case-by-case basis. Permits, including rejected permits, are administrative decisions subject to a fee. The payment for the off-road permit is collected by Metsähallitus after the application has been processed. Permits are processed within 10–15 working days.

  • When companies (excluding safari companies operating as Metsähallitus’s partners), clubs, communities or educational and research institutes apply for an off-road traffic permit for their personnel or the participants of an event they organise, the price of the processing of the off-road traffic permit decision is determined by the number of vehicles to be used. The price is €50/vehicle if the drivers’ municipalities of residence are not known.

  • Permit decisions in the driver’s municipality of residence are always free of charge

Metsähallitus may require more extensive explanatory documents or legal consideration for some off-road traffic permits. Examples include the processing of permits requiring a new policy in principle. If the permit decision requires demanding considerations from Metsähallitus, a double price will be charged for the permit decision.

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P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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