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Fishing permits

Fishing permits are divided into angling and trap permits in accordance with the fishing method. You can purchase permits for Metsähallitus permit areas located in state-owned waters. Permits are always obtained for a specific permit area. Available permit types and prices vary by region. 

An angling permit allows lure fishing, fly fishing, ice angling or angling, depending on the terms of the permit area. An angling permit is needed for e.g. spinning rods. Metsähallitus’ fishing sites are usually running and rapids sections of waters with migratory fish stocks or protected areas, where fishing requires both a fisheries management fee and an angling permit. If you fish using several rods, you always need a separate angling permit. 

A trap permit allows you to fish at Metsähallitus trap permit sites using e.g. a trap or nets. For trap fishing in state-owned waters, you always need a separate trap permit. 

In addition to these permits, Metsähallitus sells crayfishing permits and issues fishing permits for local residents in Northern Lapland

Angling permits

Metsähallitus’ angling permit areas are varied and of different sizes. Some angling permit areas consist of one river or lake, while others comprise larger entities. Some sites are stocked with fish, and there might be different hiking structures at the sites. Some of the sites have been kept in their wild state. 

You may fish in the angling permit area, provided that you have the angling permit for that area. In other words, the permit must be acquired separately for each angling permit area. Check the permit terms of the area to see the permitted fishing methods and other site-specific rules. Permit terms for each permit area are available on their individual pages.

If you only fish with one rod, the fisheries management fee alone is sometimes sufficient also in Metsähallitus’ angling permit areas. However, Metsähallitus’ fishing sites are usually running and rapids sections of waters with migratory fish stocks or protected areas, where fishing requires both a fisheries management fee and an angling permit. If you fish with several rods, you always need a site-specific angling permit in addition to the fisheries management fee.

Purchasing an angling permit

Angling permits are always purchased for a specific angling permit area. The available permit types and their prices vary by region. Permits of different lengths are available for angling permit areas, from 24 hours to the entire season. In addition, special permits are available for some of the sites for fishers under the age of 18 or 15.

See the pages of each angling permit area to learn what kind of a permit you need for the site and the price of the permit. Always read the details and permit terms of the area carefully before purchasing the permit.

See all angling permit areas.

Trap permits

When you purchase a trap permit from Metsähallitus for a specific trap permit area, you are allowed to fish in that area using nets, traps, baited lines, fyke nets, crayfish traps (however, not for catching crayfish), longlines, fishing gigs (gigging), harpoons or fishing bows. In other words, a separate trap permit is necessary for each trap permit area. Trap permits are specific to the fishing or boating party, and they are valid for a calendar year. A trap permit is intended for recreational fishing - commercial fishing permits are issued separately.

Metsähallitus trap permit areas may comprised of waters administered by Metsähallitus in one lake, one municipality, one fishing district or an entire catchment area. Water areas included in the trap permit are described in the permit area terms, which specify the lake-specific restrictions. The location of water areas can be found on the Excursionmap website (retkikartta.fi).

Fish stocks in the trap permit area are based primarily on natural production, but some waters are also managed by means of fry stocking.

Since 2020, trap permit tags are no longer in use. After purchasing a permit, fishers must simply attach their name and phone number to fishing traps, i.e. fishing nets.

Purchasing a trap permit

Trap permits for 2025 become available on 10 December 2024 at 9 AM. 

When trap fishing in state-owned waters, you always need a separate trap permit. The permit is purchased for a specific trap permit area. The target page of each trap permit area describes the extent of the fishing rights for the area (e.g. the number of nets allowed) that can be purchased for the area and what the permit costs. Area-specific restrictions are also indicated on the site-specific pages. Always read the details and permit terms of the area carefully before purchasing the permit.

See all trap permit areas.

For more information on net fishing in Enontekiö, Inari and Utsjoki, please contact the Eräluvat customer service (+358 20 69 2424, weekdays 9 am–3 pm, eraluvat@metsa.fi), the Northern Lapland Visitor Centre Siida or the Fell Lapland Visitor Centre. Contact details for visitors centres are listed on page Permit sales points.

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P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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