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Traffic and safety guidelines

  • To drive a snowmobile, a person must be at least 15 years of age. When driving on a snowmobile route or crossing roads the driver must have at least a T-class driver's licence. 
  • Driving a snowmobile in the terrain (off-road) requires always a separate permission from the landowner. Permit is not needed when driving on official snowmobile routes or on ice-covered water areas. Permits for state-owned lands are issued by Metsähallitus.
  • Drunk-driving regulations also apply to snowmobile drivers. 
  • A snowmobile cannot be driven on roads except for the purpose of crossing a road or a bridge. 
  • Always drive with your headlights on. The use of headlights is mandatory on snowmobile routes. 
  • The maximum speed of the snowmobile on terrain and en route is 60 km/h. In ice-covered water areas, the speed limit is 80 km/h, except for routes on ice on which the limit is 60 km/h. The corresponding maximum speed, 60 km/h, is also recommended for use on ice-covered tracks, as snowmobile traffic on them is the same as on ice-covered routes. If a sledge intended for carrying persons is attached to a snowmobile, the snowmobile’s maximum allowed speed is 40km/h.
  • Crash helmet protects against noise and injuries. Both the driver and the passanger must wear a helmet. It is mandatory to wear a helmet also when traveling in a sled.
  • The traffic on snowmobile routes is subject to the stipulations of the Road Traffic Act. The traffic on the routes is right-sided. 
  • The use of motorized vehicles in off-road areas is monitored by the police, Finnish Border Guard and Finnish Customs, as well as Metsähallitus in the areas under its control.
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P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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