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Hook and line fishing and ice fishing

Hook and line fishing, ice fishing and fishing with a simple herring rig are general fishing rights and do not require a fishing permit as defined in the Fishing Act.

Under the Fishing Act hook and line fishing means fishing with one pole and hook without a reel suitable for spinning and without a lure. Under the same act, ice fishing means fishing with a short rod and a vertically moved jig attached to a line.

However, there are a few exceptions, in which case hook and line fishing and ice fishing require a fisheries management fee and/or a permit from the owner of the water area. Read more about these exceptions below.


General fishing rights only entitle the angler to use one rod/pole at a time when hook and line fishing, ice fishing and fishing with a simple herring rig. If you are ice fishing with two or more rods and you are between the ages of 18 and 69, you must always pay the fisheries management fee and permission from the owner of the water area. Fishers who have reached the age of 65 by 31 December 2023 are an exception: they are not required to pay the fisheries management fee.

Hook and line fishing and ice fishing are restricted in some water bodies. General fishing rights are not valid, for example, in rapids and running waters where there are migratory fish or in waters where fishing is prohibited under other regulations. ELY Centres can make decisions to restrict general fishing rights in certain areas. For example, in several Metsähallitus angling permit areas, you will also need a permit for hook and line fishing and ice fishing.

Check where ice fishing or angling is not allowed without a permit

Visit Kalastusrajoitus.fi (Fishing Restriction Service) to check whether hook and line fishing or ice fishing is restricted in a certain water area. If the Fishing Restriction Service shows that fishing is restricted, you will always require a permit from the owner of the water area for fishing. Restricted areas are indicated in red. The prohibition of hook and line fishing or ice fishing means that you will need a permit for hook and line fishing and ice fishing. 

If a given site is a state-owned water area, you may purchase a permit from Metsähallitus. You can check this in the Excursionmap.fi service. Be sure to select "Hunting and fishing", "Fishing areas" and "Rod fishing" from the map layers in the upper right corner.  The destination page of each Metsähallitus fishing site also explains what permits you will need for fishing.

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P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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