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Moose hunting area permits

Any hunter can get a group together and apply to Metsähallitus for a moose hunting area. These applications are always submitted in January for the following autumn. Priority will be given to hunters who have no other option for moose hunting. When Metsähallitus grants you a moose hunting area (an area permit), you must remember to apply separately to the Finnish Wildlife Agency for moose permits for this area.

The holder of an area permit for moose hunting may invite guests for a short period or assisting dog handlers to participate in the hunt in the autumn. The guest must obtain a personal day permit (guest permit). 

Before purchasing an area permit for moose hunting, you should read Metsähallitus’ terms of purchasing and cancelling permits.

Moose hunting in Northern Finland

If you live permanently in an area referred to in section 8 of the Hunting Act, in other words Lapland or Kainuu, or the municipalities of Kuusamo, Pudasjärvi, Taivalkoski or Vaala, you have a right to hunt on state-owned lands free of charge. In these areas, local parties that do not include any hunters from outside the listed municipalities do not need a Metsähallitus decision on a moose hunting area (an area permit). To enable appropriate moose hunting arrangements, however, it is recommended that local parties apply for a Metsähallitus area permit. When granting permits to other groups, Metsähallitus does not know yet if a large number of local parties are planning to use the same area unless they apply for an area permit in January.

A resident of a Northern Finland municipality in the area referred to in section 8 of the Hunting Act may join a moose hunting party on state-owned lands in their home municipality in the autumn. A municipal resident who joins a moose hunting party should be notified in the Eräluvat permit application system.

The holder of an area permit for moose hunting in the north may also invite guests for a short period or assisting dog handlers to join the hunt in the autumn. A guest who does not live in the municipality must obtain a personal day permit (guest permit). If the guest lives in the same municipality, only a notification is needed.

Who counts as a local?

Under the Municipality of Residence Act, the municipality of residence is determined by the person’s actual place of residence. A notification to the Local Register Office may not be enough.

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P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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