Nature tourism
When a company uses state lands or recreational structures maintained by Metsähallitus in its operations, a cooperation or usage agreement is usually required. For one-time activities, paying a usage fee is sufficient.
Organizing fishing tourism events is also possible on state lands, provided that the necessary permits are in order. Additionally, you can enter into an agreement with Metsähallitus to sell fishing permits to your customers.
You first need a permit from the ELY Centre to organize fishing tourism events, after which you can apply to Metsähallitus for a permit to utilize state waters for business purposes.
The ELY Centre can, under Section 18 of the Fishing Act, grant a permit for the entire area or part of it to organize fishing tourism events with up to six participants at a time, engaging in angling, ice fishing, or lure fishing. Once the permit is obtained, the fishing tourism entrepreneur must pay an annual state fisheries management fee of 100 euros. Metsähallitus is responsible for collecting the fee, but all permit decisions are made by the ELY Centres. For more information on paying the fisheries management fee, you can contact
Metsähallitus can also grant permits to entrepreneurs to organize fishing tourism events (angling, ice fishing, or lure fishing as per Section 7 of the Fishing Act) in geographically defined large areas. Metsähallitus may impose regional fishing restrictions and rules on these permits. The entrepreneur's permit does not include the actual fishing permit (an angling permit) or the fisheries management fee for the fishing customers, which must be obtained separately if needed. The entrepreneur's customers do not have priority in purchasing personal fishing permits for angling areas.
For more information on Metsähallitus permits, you can contact fishing specialists.
A company can enter into an agreement with Metsähallitus' Wildlife Services to sell fishing permits and fisheries management fees to its customers. The permits are sold through the Entrepreneur Portal of the Erä service. The seller collects the payment from the customer, which Metsähallitus invoices the company for monthly in arrears. The invoice is reduced by the sales commission retained by the company.
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