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Nature tourism

When a company utilizes state areas or recreational structures maintained by Metsähallitus in its business operations, a cooperation agreement is usually required. For one-time activities, paying a usage fee in advance through the Eräluvat.fi service is sufficient.

Promoting tourism, supporting the local economy, enabling entrepreneurship, and ensuring the sustainability of nature tourism are important goals for Metsähallitus. Metsähallitus collaborates with hundreds of companies across Finland.

When a company uses state lands or recreational structures maintained by Metsähallitus in its business operations, the company usually needs to make a cooperation agreement with Metsähallitus. The possibilities for using the site vary depending on the type of area: for example, tourism activities are more restricted in nature conservation areas and freer in multiple-use forests. As part of the cooperation agreement with Metsähallitus' Parks & Wildlife, nature tourism entrepreneurs commit to Metsähallitus' principles of sustainable tourism (metsa.fi).

If the activity is one-time, it is not practical to make a cooperation agreement. In this case, the company pays a usage fee for the service structures, which is €75 + VAT.

Tourism company inquiries

  • matkailuyhteistyo@metsa.fi
  • You can contact Metsähallitus by phone through the switchboard: 0206 39 4000.

Other business activities in nature

Metsähallitus logo


P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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