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Angling permit area

7510 Peurajärvi fishing area

The versatile fishing waters of Peurajärvi are situated on the border of Nurmes and Sotkamo and offer a wide variety of options for all sorts of anglers. In the clear waters of Lake Iso-Valkeinen one can catch rainbow trout that is planted into the lake fully grown. The other waters in the area offer pike-perch, perch, pike and whitefish. Lake Urtti-Valkeinen is the area's specialty destination that is reserved solely for torch fishing and harpoon fishing during the open water season.

The comprehensive services available at Peurajärvi ensure an enjoyable fishing trip or cottage holiday with activities such as hiking, berry picking and even hunting. The most enthusiastic nature lovers should also pay a visit to Hiidenportti National Park, which is a hiking distance away from Peurajärvi.

Experience the fascinating and exhilarating atmosphere of torch fishing or relax while catching rainbow trout in the clear fishing waters of Peurajärvi!

Map files and brochures

Basic details of the area

Fishing period

1 January–31 December

Permitted fishing methods
Casting (fishing with spinning rod), fly fishing, gigging, hook and line fishing, ice fishing, trolling
Required permits and fees
Angling permit, fisheries management fee. The need depends on the number of rods and lures or the water area. Always check "Permits needed for fishing".
Hook and line fishing and ice fishing
Permitted free of charge in still waters, permitted with angling permit
Angling permits for the area
24 hours, youth permit
Targeted catch
Perch, pike, pike-perch, rainbow trout, whitefish
Fisheries management
Catch size fish stocking, fry stocking of natural fish stocks
Special features of the area
Lake Urtti-Valkeinen is the area's specialty destination that is reserved solely for torch fishing and harpoon fishing during the open water season.
Fishing and culture destination, suitable for families

What's new

Permits needed for fishing

In Lakes Iso-Valkeinen and Urtti-Valkeinen you will need an angling permit for all fishing – including hook and line fishing and ice fishing.

You will also be required to pay the fisheries management fee, unless you are under 18 years of age, over 70 years of age, or are 65 years of age or older as of 31 December 2023. However, the fisheries management fee is not required if you are hook and line fishing or ice fishing with only one rod. If you are hook and line fishing or ice fishing with multiple rods, you are required to purchase an angling permit and pay the fisheries management fee.

General fishing rights apply to other waters in Peurajärvi angling permit area. This means that lure fishing with one (1) rod is permitted in these pond and lake waters for who have paid the fisheries management fee. You do not need to pay the fisheries management fee or purchase an angling permit for hook and line fishing or ice fishing with one rod in these pond and lake waters. If you are hook and line fishing or ice fishing with multiple rods, you are required to purchase an angling permit and pay the fisheries management fee.

The angling permit for Southern Finland (7413) grants the right to fish in the other waters of Peurajärvi angling permit area except Lakes Iso-Valkeinen and Urtti-Valkeinen.

Waters and area-specific restrictions in the permit area

Always make sure to check the location of the permit area. Please see either the map window or the PDF map on this page. Enlarge the map window to view the location of the permit area more clearly.

Services in the area

Peurajärvi Fishing Area is located approximately 40 kilometres north of Nurmes. There are signs for the area posted along the road between Nurmes and Kuhmo (regional road 75) as well as between Valtimo and Kuhmo (road 5284).

Metsähallitus has five row boats in the area that may be rented. The rent for one boat is 15 euros per day or 45 euros per week. For boat rentals and keys, contact Reijo and Tarja Piiroinen in Saramo. Reijo's telephone number is +358 40 752 6141 and Tarja's +358 40 752 6153. Tarja answers the phone from 5 PM to 9 PM. Keys may be picked up daily between 9 AM and 9 PM.

Storing your own boat in the area costs 20 euros per year. Boat spots are provided by Konesola in Nurmes. Konesola's telephone number is +358 13 480 180.

Peurajärvi cabins offer lodging and there is one big cabin for a large group. The cabins can be rented from Lomarengas (lomarengas.fi).

The area is also covered by a comprehensive trail network and there are lean-to shelters, rental huts, campfire sites and a cooking shelter as well as caravan spots. There is also a trail that leads to the Hiidenportti National Park. For more information about services in the area, please see Luontoon.fi.

Further information

Fisheries management

Catch-sized rainbow trout is stocked into Lake Iso-Valkeinen four times in March–April and then again every 2–3 weeks between May and September and before Christmas. The area's lakes and ponds are also stocked annually with whitefish and pike-perch.

Permit sale and information Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm



Senior Specialist, Fisheries (Eastern Finland, sea areas between Hanko and Virolahti)

Contact details will be updated soon

Game and Fisheries Warden (Savo, South Karelia, Nurmes and Valtimo)

Antti Niemi





Metsähallitus logo


P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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