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Angling permit area

5573 The middle course of River Iijoki

This permit covers the running and quiet waters and rapids of the middle course of River Iijoki from Ohtaoja to Ervasti Bridge. The total length of the permit area is 57 km.

The most common catches in the area are sizable grayling and trout. The most common catch in the quiet sections is pike. The rapids in the middle section of River Iijoki are great for fly fishing for grayling, for example. The river's fish stock is managed with fry plantings of trout and grayling. There are several lean-to shelters and campfire sites in the area and anglers may also catch a breather at Räpättävänkoski hut.

You can check the real-time temperature of the water in the Iijoki River during the snow-free season in the SensorMonitor service (map.sensormonitor.fi).

Map files and brochures

Basic details of the area

Pudasjärvi, Taivalkoski
Fishing period

1 June–31 October.

Permitted fishing methods
Casting (fishing with spinning rod), fly fishing
Required permits and fees
Angling permit, fisheries management fee. The need depends on the number of rods and lures or the water area. Always check "Permits needed for fishing".
Hook and line fishing and ice fishing
Permitted free of charge in still waters, prohibited in running waters
Angling permits for the area
24 hours, 7 days, seasonal permit, youth permit
Targeted catch
Grayling, perch, pike, trout, whitefish
Fisheries management
Fry stocking of natural fish stocks
Area characteristics
Fly fishers favourite
Special features of the area
Wide permit area, with the total length of 57 km.
Check the restrictions carefully in the permit terms.

What's new

Permits needed for fishing

In this permit area, you will need an angling permit when lure fishing in sections with rapids and running water. You will also be required to pay the fisheries management fee, unless you are under 18 years of age, over 70 years of age, or are 65 years of age or older as of 31 December 2023.

If you are lure fishing with only one rod and lure in still waters, such as river pools, payment of the fisheries management fee is sufficient.

Hook and line fishing and ice fishing are fully prohibited in running and rapids sections of waters with migratory fish stocks (i.e. also this permit area). In still waters, hook and line fishing and ice fishing are permitted free of charge with one rod.

Waters and area-specific restrictions in the permit area

Always make sure to check the location of the permit area. Please see either the map window or the PDF map on this page. Enlarge the map window to view the location of the permit area more clearly.

The middle course of River Iijoki angling permit area covers the waters between Jurmu and Ervasti  which belong to Metsähallitus, to the Jurmu II and Jurmu IV joint ownership associations and to the Lassinniemi, Kellolampi, Pintamo and Korentojärvi joint ownership associations.

At Jurmukoski rapids there is a 650 metres long private water area on the western bank that extends halfway across the river that is not a part of the permit area.

Furthermore, the following water areas are protected:

  • Lapinkoski-Honkakoski, about 300 m

  • Tipparinne, about 600 m

The permit area and protected areas are marked on the permit area map.

Further information

Fisheries management

Waters in the permit area are stocked with trout and grayling fry.

Impact of water temperature on fishing

You can monitor the real-time water temperatures in the Iijoki River in the SensorMonitor service (map.sensormonitor.fi). Read the Guidelines for responsible fishing to know more about how you can take high temperatures into account when fishing.

Permit sale and information Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm



Senior Specialist, Fisheries (Koillismaa, Oulu region and the sea areas from Kalajoki to the north)

Eero Hartikainen





Metsähallitus logo


P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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