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Moose hunting area

8852 Pälvelampi

Pälvelampi moose hunting area is located in the northern part of Lieksa.

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Basic details of the area

Area (in hectares)
Reindeer herding area
Game management association
Moose management area
Pohjois-Karjala 1
Permits for the area
Area permit for moose hunting groups, off-road traffic permit for retrieving moose game, visitor permit associated with the area permit

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Permits for moose hunting

Area permit

To hunt moose on state lands, a hunting club or group needs an area permit issued by Metsähallitus. The permit is applied for annually in January through Metsähallitus' permit application system. The area permit is valid for one moose hunting season and is primarily granted to hunters who do not have other hunting opportunities. Once you have received the area permit, you can apply for the actual moose hunting license from the Finnish Wildlife Agency.

Check the area permit application instructions here.

Guest permit

A group that has received an area permit can invite hunting guests (who were not listed in the shooting list of the group's area permit application) to the moose hunt in autumn. Hunting guests must purchase a personal daily permit, also known as a guest permit.

In Northern Finland, a person residing in the area referred to in section 8 of the Hunting Act can still join a moose hunting group (which hunts on state lands in their home municipality) in the autumn. However, the moose hunting group that has received the area permit must notify Metsähallitus of this.

Read more about guest permits.

Off-road traffic permit

An off-road traffic permit for retrieving a moose is primarily applied for in conjunction with the area permit application. After the area permit has been granted, you can apply for the off-road traffic permit by submitting a separate off-road traffic permit application.


Permit sale and information Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm



Alueesta vastaavat henkilöt

Senior Specialist, Hunting, game habitats (Southern Finland), hunting (North Savo and North Karelia)

Markus Pekkinen




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Metsähallitus logo


P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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