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Shared rental hut

Vaarinkehuma Vuotso

Number of beds
10 beds
Size (in square metres)
35 m2
Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 67° 24.213' lon: 29° 34.074' N: 7478645 E:610080

Vaarinkehuma shared rental hut is located in Salla, Tuntsa wilderness, close to Sorsatunturi Fell, along the UKK Trail. The shared rental hut side of the hut is called Vuotso. There is a separately reserved rental hut in the same building. In the hut there is a drying room with wood stove in the use of the guests of both huts. A sauna is located in the yard, and it can be used by both the rental and shared rental hut guests.

A shared rental hut is a reservable place for an overnight stay where you can book a paid bed for 1–2 nights.

Map files and brochures
Terms of reservation for huts


The reservation day for shared rental huts and rental huts begins at 2 pm and end at 12 noon.

Bring along your invoice and proof of payment to the hut.

The use of huts and other structures in business operations requires a permit from Metsähallitus (metsa.fi)

Important safety checklist

  • Maximum length of reservation is 3 nights.

  • There is a separate fee for sauna use.

Shared rental hut

Price list 10.12.2024–

1 night17,10 €

The cabin is available for booking for:1.1.2025–1.1.2026

Number of beds

February 2025

Basic details of the destination

Tuntsa area, Sorsatunturi Nature Reserve, UKK Hiking Trail
Gas stove
Drinking water
Must be brought yourself, stream
Dry toilet
Staying overnight
Blankets, bunk bed, mattresses, pillows

What's new

Arrival instructions

  • In summer the hut can be reached by hiking along the UKK Trail and in winter by wilderness skis or snowmobile along the Metsähallitus snowmobile track passing the hut. Driving a snowmobile on the track always requires a snowmobile track permit. Using snowmobile off the track is prohibited. During snowless seasons all motorized vehicles are prohibited.

  • The official road ends at village Naruskajärvi, and this is the furthest point where the road is maintained in winter. Closest parking areas to the hut are south to the crossing of Naruskan Tammi and Naruskantie roads and for a small fee in the yard of the business Tuntsan Pubi (Tuntsan ja Naruskan Tunturilomat, tel. +358 400 449 649). Always check carefully that your car is not parked on the way of a snowplow or other vehicles.

  • In summer the UKK Trail can be accessed from Tuntsan Pubi by walking north the Naruskantie road about 1 km. Or, from the parking area of Naruskan Tammi and Naruskantie road crossing, by walking the Naruskantie road south about 2,5 km.

  • In winter the snowmobile track can be accessed from Tuntsan Pubi or Naruskan Tammi, from where the track goes through Kotatsiaapa mire to Sorsajoki river and along the sides of the river to Vaarinkehuma.

  • Please note that Vaarinkehuma hut is not necessarily named on the maps.


A sauna, a dry toilet and a wood shed.


The key is in a key code box on the hut wall. The box is protected with a code. Instructions and the code are sent to you by e-mail after the payment.

Take lock de-icer with you just in case the box's lid is stuck due to frost. Metsähallitus does not have maintenance on site.


Heating and lighting

  • The hut has a stove and firewood for heating. Please use firewood sparingly. Please note that it takes some time before the hut is properly warm.

  • The hut has no electricity. We recommend using a headlamp, which leaves your hands free to do chores around the hut. For safety reasons, candles must be burned on a non-combustible surface and constantly monitored.


  • Gas stove and necessary cooking utensils. Some tableware.

  • We recommend you bring your own utensils and tableware.

Drinking water

Staying overnight

  • Bunk beds for 10 persons with mattresses, pillows and blankets.

  • Please bring your own linen or a sleeping bag.

  • A shared rental hut is a shared overnight accommodation where hikers sleep in the same space, usually shoulder-to-shoulder in bunk beds.


  • The sauna is in a separate building.

  • The sauna fee is 10 € / person. Sauna fees include 25,5% VAT. You can find the sauna fee here.

  • The sauna key can be found inside the main hut, always return it to its place after use.

  • The sauna is available for both rental hut guests and shared rental hut guests who have paid the sauna fee. Please note that it takes some time before the sauna is properly warm.

  • Remember to empty all the water containers and buckets before you leave. This is important especially in winter time as they will break if water freezes in them.


There is a dry toilet near the hut. Please bring your own toilet paper.

Waste disposal

There are no waste containers by the cabin. Visitors are advised to take their accumulated waste with them.

Metsähallitus follows the principles of litter-free hiking. Visitors are adviced to bring their own waste out of the area. Read more about hiking without littering (nationalparks.fi).

Other things to keep in mind

  • There are no accessible services in the hut.

  • Please clean the hut before you leave.


  • The area has limited or no mobile phone network coverage. Be prepared that a mobile phone can not be used. Always have a paper map and a compass with you. If this happens try to climb to a higher place or go into an open area. Check the mobile network coverage with your mobile phone operator before your trip.

  • There are fire alarms at wilderness huts, but we recommend to bring a 9 V battery and/or your own travel fire alarm with you.

Hut maintenance

Maintenance and Management: Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.

More information:

Pyhä-Luosto Visitor Centre Naava, pyhaluosto(at)metsa.fi, tel. +358 206 39 7302. The price of the call is EUR 0.00/min + mobile phone charge specified in your mobile phone subscription or local network charge when using a landline phone.

Savukoski Visitor Centre Korvatunturi, savukoski(at)metsa.fi, tel. +358 206 39 7556.

If you notice that anything requires maintenance, kindly let us know so that we can react to the needs as quickly as possible.

Invoices, changes and cancellations of hut reservations on weekdays 9 am–3 pm


Hiking information services: Pyhä-Luosto Visitor Centre Naava

Luontotie 1

98530 Pyhätunturi (Pelkosenniemi)



Check additional information and opening hours
Metsähallitus logo


P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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