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Angling permit area

1581 Ivalojoki, Toloskoski-Appisjokisuu

The permit area Ivalojoki, Toloskoski-Appisjokisuu begins at Toloskoski in the Ivalojoki River and ends to the mouth of the Appisjoki River. The permit are is mostly located in Hammastunturi Wilderness Area.

The Ivalojoki River is the most important spawning river of Lake Inarijärvi's native brown trout. According to a number of studies, the Ivalojoki River and its tributaries produce most of the brown trout that return to the lake to feed.

Map files and brochures

Basic details of the area

Fishing period

In 2024: Primarily 18 June–31 August. Starting from June 15th all fishing in the Ivalojoki River is prohibited on Mondays.

Check the permit terms for exceptions to the fishing period.

The fishing period for 2025 will be confirmed later.

Permitted fishing methods
Casting (fishing with spinning rod), fly fishing, hook and line fishing, ice fishing
Required permits and fees
Angling permit, fisheries management fee. The need depends on the number of rods and lures or the water area. Always check "Permits needed for fishing".
Hook and line fishing and ice fishing
Permitted free of charge in still waters, prohibited in running waters
Angling permits for the area
24 hours, youth permit
Targeted catch
Grayling, pike, trout, whitefish
Fisheries management
Fry stocking of natural fish stocks, natural fish stock (no stockings)
Area characteristics
Wilderness destination
Special features of the area
Some hiking structures, such as campfire sites and dry toilets can be found from the area.
Check the restrictions carefully in the permit terms.

What's new

Keep in mind in this area

The number of angling permits is limited. Please check the availability of permits beforehand. Maximum of three people can purchase an angling permit for the same day in this permit area.

Validity begins always at 6:00 PM. Please note that starting from June 15th all fishing in the Ivalojoki River is prohibited on Mondays from 12AM–11.59PM. Please note that if you purchase your permit to start at 6 p.m. on Sunday or Monday, you cannot use the entire permit day.

Familiarize yourself with the fishing regulations of the fisheries area

You can find the fishing regulations for the Inari fisheries area on the Inari fisheries area’s website (inarinkalatalousalue.fi) (in Finnish).

Permits needed for fishing

The need for an angling permit depends on the type of waterbody and how many rods and lures you will use.

In this permit area, you will need an angling permit when lure fishing in sections with rapids and running water. You will also be required to pay the fisheries management fee, unless you are under 18 years of age, over 70 years of age, or are 65 years of age or older as of 31 December 2023.

If you are lure fishing with only one rod and lure in still waters, such as river pools, payment of the fisheries management fee is sufficient. You will also require an angling permit when fishing with multiple rods or lures.

Hook and line fishing and ice fishing are fully prohibited in running and rapids sections of waters with migratory fish stocks (i.e. also this permit area). In still waters, hook and line fishing and ice fishing are permitted free of charge with one rod. If you are hook and line fishing or ice fishing with more than one rod, you are required to purchase an angling permit and pay the fisheries management fee.

Waters and area-specific restrictions in the permit area

Always make sure to check the location of the permit area. Please see either the map window or the PDF map on this page. Enlarge the map window to view the location of the permit area more clearly.

There are no-fishing zones in Ivalojoki. This angling permit does not entitle the holder to fish in these zones.

Services in the area

For more information about services in the area, please see Luontoon.fi.

Further information

Impact of water temperature on fishing

Water temperature has a significant impact on the survival of salmonids after they are released. When water temperatures approach +20 °C, you should use judgement before you decide to fish for salmonids. In waters warmer than this, fishing for salmonids should be avoided. In such situations, it is advisable to focus on species that are more resistant to heat, such as zander, pike and perch. See guidelines for responsible fishing.

Permit sale and information Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm



Northern Lapland Nature Centre Siida

Inarintie 46

99870 Inari



Check additional information and opening hours

Senior Specialist, Fisheries (Northern Lapland)

Jarmo Huhtamella




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P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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