Terms of small game permits
To check the special terms of hunting for each area, see the description of the hunting permit area on its website.
Open season
Hunting is permitted outside the protection period during the legal open hunting season of the species. The open seasons vary from year to year, which is why you must always check them before going out to hunt. Once the open seasons have been decided, they will be updated to the Finnish Wildlife Agency’s website (riista.fi).
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry may prohibit or limit the hunting of game species by a decree. For further information, visit the websites of the Finnish Wildlife Agency (riista.fi) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (mmm.fi).
Bag quotas: grouse permit
A grouse permit entitles the holder to hunt all small game, except beavers in most cases. The species that may be hunted also include small predators, squirrels, muskrats, wild boar, wood pigeons, woodcocks and unprotected birds: ravens (in the reindeer herding area), crows, magpies, jackdaws, European herring gulls, great black-backed gulls and fieldfares. Small predators include the fox, raccoon dog, mink, pine marten, ermine, ferret and badger.
Day permits
In Metsähallitus’ permit areas, a day permit for grouse entitles the holder to bag four game animals within 24 hours, however with the following restrictions:
- no more than two grouse a day*, of which no more than one capercaillie (male or female).
- no more than two capercaillies (male or female) in the autumn season and, if hunting is allowed in January, no more than one capercaillie (male) in total in all Metsähallitus permit areas.
*Except for permit areas 1601-1605, 1607-1609 and 1613-1616 in Northern Lapland, where the quota for birds is three willow grouse in 24 hours.
There are no bag quotas for small predators, wild boar and unprotected birds, however.
Seasonal permits
In Metsähallitus’ permit areas, a seasonal permit entitles the holder to bag 20 game animals during the open season, however with the following restrictions:
- up to 10 grouse
- no more than two grouse a day, of which no more than one capercaillie (male or female).
- no more than two capercaillies (male or female) in the autumn season and, if hunting is allowed in January, no more than one capercaillie (male) in total in all Metsähallitus permit areas.
- no more than two beavers during the open season (only in permit areas where the right to hunt beavers is included in the seasonal permit).
There are no bag quotas for small predators, wild boar and unprotected birds, however. Seasonal permit holders may continue to hunt American mink and raccoon dogs, which are invasive species, until 31 July.
Youth permit
The same quotas apply to day permits for under-18-year-olds (youth permits) as to day permits for grouse.
Bag quotas: waterfowl and hare permit
If you have a waterfowl and hare permit, you may hunt all other small game except grouse and beavers. The species that may be hunted also include small carnivores, squirrels, muskrats, wild boar, wood pigeons, woodcocks and unprotected birds: ravens (in the reindeer herding area), crows, magpies, jackdaws, European herring gulls, great black-backed gulls and fieldfares. Small predators include the fox, raccoon dog, mink, pine marten, ermine, ferret and badger.
Day permits
A day permit entitles the holder to bag three game animals in 24 hours.
There are no bag quotas for small predators, wild boar and unprotected birds, however.
Seasonal permits
Holders of a seasonal permit may bag 15 game animals during the open season.
There are no bag quotas for small carnivores, wild boar and unprotected birds, however.
Bag quotas: beaver permit
In addition to beavers, holders of a beaver permit may also hunt all small predators, muskrats, squirrels, wild boar and, of unprotected bird species, ravens (in the reindeer herding area), crows, magpies, jackdaws, European herring gulls and great black-backed gulls. Small predators include the fox, raccoon dog, mink, pine marten, ermine, ferret and badger.
Holders of a beaver permit may bag two beavers during the open season.
There are no bag quotas for small predators, wild boar and unprotected birds, however.
Bag quotas: small predator permit
Holders of this permit may hunt all small predators, muskrats, squirrels, wild boar and, of unprotected bird species, ravens (in the reindeer herding area), crows, magpies, jackdaws, European herring gulls and great black-backed gulls. Small predators include the fox, raccoon dog, mink, pine marten, ermine, ferret and badger.
No bag quota has been set for these species. The open season for the American mink and raccoon dog, which are invasive alien species, continues until 31 July.
The permit number must be marked on traps used for hunting small predators in clearly legible and weatherproof writing.
General permit terms
Hunters must always submit catch reports, regardless of whether they have been hunting or not (section 46 of the Hunting Act). Catch reports should primarily be submitted online at saalispalaute.eraluvat.fi.
If you have a complaint about a permit, you must make it within 7 days of receiving the invoice. You can do this by calling Eräluvat service number at +358 20 69 2424 or sending an email to eraluvat@metsa.fi.
Failure to pay for a permit is not considered a cancellation. To cancel a permit, you must always contact Eräluvat by calling the service number +358 20 69 2424 or send an email to eraluvat@metsa.fi before the due date of the invoice.
The fee for unpaid and uncancelled permits will be collected from the customer later.
When paying for a permit, always use the invoice reference number.
You must carry the permit and a receipt of payment with you when out hunting.
If the holder of the permit hunts or otherwise acts in violation of the permit terms or violates the Hunting Act or the Hunting Decree, the permit may be voided immediately.
Hunting permits issued for an area do not preclude forest management, surveys and similar work carried out in the permit area in question. The permit holder is consequently not entitled to claim compensation for any disruption of hunting caused by such work.
Campfires may be made with branches and logging residue but not with deadwood. Fires may not be lit on Metsähallitus’ roads or road areas.
The permit number must be marked on traps used for hunting small predators in clearly legible and weatherproof writing.
Terms of purchase and cancellation for permits issued by Metsähallitus.