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Angling permit area

3550 Nuorttijoki

Situated in the northeast wilderness of the municipality of Savukoski, the Nuorttijoki River empties into Lake Nuorttijärvi on the Russian side of the border. The fishing area covers all waters of the River Nuorttijoki on the Finnish side of the border up to the border zone.

Nuorttijoki offers hiking anglers approximately 150 km of pristine river and stream waters for fly fishing and casting. Nuorttijoki is also a great destination for canoeing anglers. Returning from the lower reaches of the river is only possible by coming back upstream.

Map files and brochures

Basic details of the area

Fishing period

Primarily 1 June – 31 December. Part of Nuorttijoki angling permit area is located in Urho Kekkonen National Park, and fishing in these waters is only allowed 1 June – 31 August.

Check the permit terms for exceptions to the fishing period.

Permitted fishing methods
Casting (fishing with spinning rod), fly fishing, hook and line fishing, ice fishing
Required permits and fees
Angling permit, fisheries management fee. The need depends on the number of rods and lures or the water area. Always check "Permits needed for fishing".
Hook and line fishing and ice fishing
Permitted free of charge in still waters, prohibited in running waters
Angling permits for the area
24 hours, 7 days, seasonal permit, youth permit
Targeted catch
Grayling, trout, whitefish
Fisheries management
Natural fish stock (no stockings)
Area characteristics
Located in a national park, wilderness destination
Special features of the area
The Nuorttijoki River offers hiking anglers approximately 150 km of pristine river and stream waters for fly fishing and casting.
Check the restrictions carefully in the permit terms. Part of Nuorttijoki angling permit area is located in Urho Kekkonen National Park. In addition to the permit terms, the angler must check the special regulations of the national park.

What's new

Permits needed for fishing

In this permit area, you will need an angling permit when lure fishing in sections with rapids and running water. You will also be required to pay the fisheries management fee, unless you are under 18 years of age, over 70 years of age, or are 65 years of age or older as of 31 December 2023.

If you are lure fishing with only one rod and lure in still waters, such as river pools, payment of the fisheries management fee is sufficient.

Hook and line fishing and ice fishing are fully prohibited in running and rapids sections of waters with migratory fish stocks (i.e. also this permit area). In still waters, hook and line fishing and ice fishing are permitted free of charge with one rod.

Seasonal permit for the municipal residents of Savukoski

In 2024, the municipal residents of Savukoski will have the opportunity to get a seasonal permit for Nuorttijoki River located within the area of Urho Kekkonen National Park. The permit is applied for with this form (to be published later), which is then returned as an e-mail attachment or by post to Jyrki Satta, Senior Specialisti in Fisheries:

  • jyrki.satta(a)metsa.fi

  • Jyrki Satta / Metsähallitus, Museotie 33, 95700 Pello

Waters and area-specific restrictions in the permit area

Always make sure to check the location of the permit area. Please see either the map window or the PDF map on this page. Enlarge the map window to view the location of the permit area more clearly.

Fishing in the national park

Approximately 20 km of the lower section of the river belongs to Urho Kekkonen National Park. Fishing in these waters is only allowed during the summer months, 1 June – 31 August. The angler must check the special regulations of national parks, among other things regarding restricted areas, landing restrictions and lighting fires. Information on the regulations of national parks can be found at Luontoon.fi.

Services in the area

The area's services include several lean-to shelters, huts, cooking shelters, unlocked wilderness cabins and reservable cabins as well as the private tourism services provided by Tulppion Majat.

There is also Nuortti Hiking Trail (40 km) for hikers.

For more information about services in the area, please see Luontoon.fi.

Permit sale and information Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm



Senior Specialist, Fisheries (Eastern Lapland)

Jyrki Satta




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00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

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