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Shared rental huts and rental huts are available for reservation for the year 2026 starting from May 5, 2025, at 9 AM. // 7.3.2025

Rental hut

Lauhan tupa

Number of beds
2 beds
Size (in square metres)
15 m2
Metsänvartijantie 74, 61960 Kauhajoki
Euref-Fin (~WGS84) lat: 62° 09.517' lon: 22° 10.501' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6901213 E: 248763

Lauhan tupa rental hut (2 + 4 persons / 15 m2 + 18 m2, 1 room + 1 room for summer use + sauna) is located in the Kauhajoki area in Lauhanvuori National Park. The hut is located in the middle of a sparse pine stand on dry land. There is a hut and a day campfire site on the grounds. Popular for small groups or pairs. The hiking trail passes through the hut grounds.

A rental hut is a place for an overnight stay that can be rented for only your use.

Map files and brochures
Terms of reservation for huts


This hut can only be rented through the below-mentioned company.

Reservations from Lauhatuotanto Oy (kauppatori.lauha.fi).

  • The hut (2 persons) can be reserved from 1 April-31 October.

  • The horse stable (4 persons) is only available for summer use. 

Basic details of the destination

Drinking water
Must be brought yourself, well (only in the summer)
Dry toilet
Staying overnight
Bed, blankets, mattresses, pillows

What's new

Arrival instructions

Driving Instructions

From road 44 (Sastamala-Kauhajoki), turn west onto Lauhavuorentie (road 17019) at the village of Muurahainen. Drive along Lauhavuorentie for about 3.6 km and then turn north onto a small road called Selkätie. Drive for about 1 km until you come to an intersection and then turn left onto Metsänvartijantie. The road has a barrier for which renters will receive a key. After the barrier, drive about 700 m until you reach the hut. The barrier must always be locked.

By Public Transportation

Bus routes and schedules are challenging for people trying to reach Lauha Rental Hut. The nearest bus stop is at Muurahainen (in Kauhajoki).

Read more about the area and more detailed arrival instructions on Nationalparks.fi.


  • There is a sauna, lean-to shelter, campfire site, firewood shed, dry toilet and a well.

  • Everyman’s rights apply to the dry toilet located in the yard and the lean-to shelter and firewood shed near the parking place.

  • Visitors are not allowed to camp out on the hut grounds in a tent or other shelter.



Heating and lighting

  • The hut has a wood-burning stove and firewood for heating. Please use firewood sparingly. Please note that it takes some time before the hut is properly warm.

  • The hut has no electricity. We recommend using a headlamp, which leaves your hands free to do chores around the hut. For safety reasons, candles must be burned on a non-combustible surface and constantly monitored.


A wood-burning stove, utensils, dishes.

Drinking water

  • There is no running water in the hut.

  • Drinking water can be obtained from the well.

Staying overnight

  • Bunks for two people, mattresses, pillows and blankets.

  • The horse stable has bunks, mattresses, pillows and blankets for four people, but there is no heating.

  • Please bring your own linen or a sleeping bag.


The sauna is in a separate building.


There is a dry toilet near the hut. Please bring your own toilet paper.

Waste disposal

There are no waste containers by the cabin. Visitors are advised to take their accumulated waste with them.

Metsähallitus follows the principles of litter-free hiking. Visitors are adviced to bring their own waste out of the area. Read more about hiking without littering (nationalparks.fi).

Other things to keep in mind

  • There is a barrier on the road leading to the hut and it must always be kept locked.

  • There are no accessible services in the hut.

  • Please clean the hut before you leave.


  • Although Finland has a broad network for mobile phones, there are some areas in the park without signal. If this happens try to climb to a higher place or go into an open area. Check the mobile network coverage with your mobile phone operator before your trip.

  • There are fire alarms at wilderness huts, but we recommend to bring a 9 V battery and/or your own travel fire alarm with you.

  • Read more about the area and its current information at Nationalparks.fi.

Hut maintenance

Maintenance and Management: Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.

If you notice that anything requires maintenance, kindly let us know: luontoon.fi/en/feedback.

Metsähallitus logo


P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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