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Shared rental huts and rental huts are available for reservation for the year 2026 starting from May 5, 2025, at 9 AM. // 7.3.2025

Rental hut

Pieni Sääksjärvi rental hut

Number of beds
6 beds
Euref-Fin (~WGS84) lat: 63.347589° lon: 24.788135° ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 7026227 E: 389314

The small rental cabin at Sääksjärvi (cabin and entrance hall) is located by a small pond, on a rock, in an open pine forest. A hiking trail passes by the cabin. The cabin also has a sauna.

The rental cabin is an overnight accommodation that is rented entirely for private use.

Map files and brochures
Terms of reservation for huts


This hut can only be rented through the below-mentioned company.

  • Koirasalmi Nature Cabin's online store (koirasalmi.com), phone: +358 40 939 8147, koirasalmi(at)gmail.com.

  • Available for booking year-round.

Basic details of the destination

Salamajärvi National Park
Gas stove
Drinking water
Well (only in the summer)
Dry toilet
Staying overnight
Blankets, bunk bed, mattresses, pillows

What's new

Arrival instructions

Hiking destination. The road to the site is impassable by car!


  • Sauna, woodshed-toilet, no campfire site.

  • The cabin area is rocky, while the sauna area is marshy by the pond.

  • Camping in the yard is only allowed for those who have rented the cabin (additional fee!).


Key delivery is arranged when making the reservation.


Heating and lighting

  • The cabin has a stove and firewood for heating. Use the firewood sparingly. Please note that it takes time for the cabin to warm up.

  • The cabin has no electricity. We recommend a headlamp, which leaves your hands free for cabin chores. For safety reasons, burn candles on a non-flammable surface and supervise them at all times.


Gas stove, pots, frying pan, and dining dishes and utensils for six people.

Drinking water

  • The cabin has no running water.

  • Drinking water is from a borehole. The well is about 100 meters from the cabin along the path, near the road. The water is tested every three years.

Staying overnight

  • There are two bunk beds in the cabin and one bunk bed in the insulated entrance hall. The beds have mattresses, blankets, and pillows.

  • Bring your own sheets or sleeping bag and towels.

  • There is a bed for a dog in the entrance hall.


  • In a separate building, there is a wood-heated sauna.

  • Sauna water is from the lake or the ring well next to the sauna (not for drinking).


There is a dry toilet near the hut. Please bring your own toilet paper.

Waste disposal

There are no waste containers by the cabin. Visitors are advised to take their accumulated waste with them.

Metsähallitus follows the principles of litter-free hiking. Visitors are adviced to bring their own waste out of the area. Read more about hiking without littering (nationalparks.fi).

Other things to keep in mind

  • The Hirvaan Kierros hiking trail passes between the cabin and the sauna.

  • The cabin does not have accessible services.

  • The construction of the cabin and the borehole has been supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

  • Please clean the cabin before you leave.


  • There may be areas with no mobile phone coverage at the hiking destinations. In such situations, moving to a higher, open area may help. Check the mobile network coverage with your operator before heading out.

  • The cabins have smoke detectors, but we recommend bringing a 9V battery and/or your own portable smoke detector.

Hut maintenance

Maintenance and Management: Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.

If you notice that anything requires maintenance, kindly let us know: luontoon.fi/en/feedback.

Koirasalmi Nature Cabin (koirasalmi.com), phone: +358 40 939 8147, email: koirasalmi(at)gmail.com.

Metsähallitus logo


P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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