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Read the latest fishing and hunting news and blog posts! Wildlife Service Finland also publishes newsletter in Finnish, covering topics related to fishing, hunting and current projects. Read more about the newsletter and subscribe (in Finnish).


15.01.2021 Kirsi Suojoki

Fisheries management fees for 2020 yielded over EUR 10.4 million

An unprecedented number of fisheries management fees for 2020, more than 290,000, were paid during the current Fishing Act. The profit increased by more than EUR 1.5 million compared to the previous year. Fisheries management fees for 2021 have also been paid more by now than at the beginning of previous years.

04.11.2020 Kirsi Suojoki

The Fisheries management fee for 2021 can now be paid - a gift idea that brings well-being to increasing numbers of Finns

The fisheries management fee for 2021 came on sale in early November. Many people took up fishing for the first time this past summer, and revenue from the fisheries management fees has exceeded EUR 10 million. Metsähallitus encourages people to ensure the continuity of this hobby that brings people close to nature by paying the fisheries management fee as a gift for Father's Day and Christmas, thereby giving the right to fish through the entire new calendar year.
