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Angling permit area

7552 Mikkelin Valkea

The clear-watered Lake Valkeajärvi is located in South Savo, near the city of Mikkeli, and it is 14 hectares in size. The most sought-after fish in Lake Valkeajärvi are chubby whitefish and rainbow trout, which is planted into the lake catch-sized. The most popular fishing methods at the lake are ice fishing in winter and fly fishing in late summer and early autumn.

Valkeajärvi has two campfire sites and a partially duckboarded trail that goes around the lake. Thanks to its accessibility and easy terrain, Valkeajärvi is the ideal destination for all kinds of fishers and nature enthusiasts. 

Come catch some whitefish and rainbow trout, and once the fish has been caught, you can take in the beautiful lakeside scenery by a campfire! 

Map files and brochures

Basic details of the area

Fishing period

1 January–31 December.

Permitted fishing methods
Casting (fishing with spinning rod), fly fishing, hook and line fishing, ice fishing
Required permits and fees
Angling permit, fisheries management fee. Always check "Permits needed for fishing".
Hook and line fishing and ice fishing
Permitted with angling permit
Angling permits for the area
24 hours, youth permit
Targeted catch
Perch, rainbow trout, whitefish
Fisheries management
Catch size fish stocking, fry stocking of natural fish stocks
Area characteristics
Suitable for families
Special features of the area
Easily accessible fishing destination. The most popular fishing methods at the lake are ice fishing in winter and fly fishing in late summer and early autumn.
Check the restrictions carefully in the permit terms.

What's new

Permits needed for fishing

In this permit area, you will need an angling permit for all fishing – including hook and line fishing and ice fishing.

You will also be required to pay the fisheries management fee, unless you are under 18 years of age, over 70 years of age, or are 65 years of age or older as of 31 December 2023. However, the fisheries management fee is not required if you are hook and line fishing or ice fishing with only one rod. If you are hook and line fishing or ice fishing with multiple rods, you are required to purchase an angling permit and pay the fisheries management fee.

Waters and area-specific restrictions in the permit area

Always make sure to check the location of the permit area. Please see either the map window or the PDF map on this page. Enlarge the map window to view the location of the permit area more clearly.

Lake Valkeajärvi is divided into two sections: north and south. Different permit terms apply to each section with regard to fishing tackle and watercraft. The boundary between the two sections runs between the large and small basin, and is marked on the permit area map. Check the restrictions carefully in the permit terms.

Services in the area

The area's services consist of a 2.2 km long trail with duckboards, 2 campfire sites, a lean-to shelter and a dry closet.

Signs guiding to the lake may be found along the Mikkeli-Pieksämäki and Ihastjärventie roads. 

Further information

Fisheries management

The lake is stocked with catch-sized rainbow trout total 4 times on March and April, and every 2–3 weeks from May to October as well as before Christmas.

Permit sale and information Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm



Senior Specialist, Fisheries (Eastern Finland, sea areas between Hanko and Virolahti)

Contact details will be updated soon

Game and Fisheries Warden (Savo, South Karelia, Nurmes and Valtimo)

Antti Niemi




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P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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